In early January of each year, Esopus Creek Conservancies’ Stewardship and Land Management conduct an annual census of wintering birds throughout the 160-acre Esopus Bend Nature Preserve, recording numbers of individuals and species diversity. Observations and records from this census become part of the Preserve’s biodiversity database and provide guidance for land management and stewardship decisions.
Esopus Bend Nature Preserve is located on the banks of the Esopus Creek in the Village and Town of Saugerties in northern Ulster County. Previous counts conducted during early January have recorded a cumulative total of 70 species, and a single-year high count of 966 individuals. Highlights from previous counts include Bohemian Waxwing, White-winged Crossbill, Gray Catbird, Field Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Winter Wrens, six species of woodpeckers, and double-digit numbers of wintering Hermit Thrushes.
2022 EBNP Winter Bird Count Report
2021 EBNP Winter Bird Count Report
2020 EBNP Winter Bird Count Report
2019 EBNP Winter Bird Count Report
2017 EBNP Winter Bird Count Report
2016 EBNP Winter Bird Count Report
2015 EBNP Winter Bird Count Report
2014 EBNP Winter Bird Count Report